Scot Summer Stories: Christina Vukovich

Christina Vukovich
Senior Christina Vukovich spent this summer in the nation's capital where she worked on the district's age-friendly initiative.

Throughout the summer, we're checking in with several returning student-athletes who are partaking in unique experiences relating to student research and internships. Our seventh profile features Christina Vukovich, a rising senior from the women's basketball team.

Vukovich's summer internship landed the center in the nation's capital, where she spent time in the executive office of Mayor Muriel Bowser working on the district's Age Friendly D.C. Initiative, "a coordinated, comprehensive, and collective-action effort with an end-goal of making D.C. an area in which it is easier to grow older in regards to accessibility, safety, affordability, inclusivity, and livability." While the initiative is one undertaken by the World Health Organization, the local government seeks to take it further by implementing its own strategic plan and adding some new areas of focus that are specific to the district.

The Age Friendly D.C. Initiative centers around three pillars and 14 domains, of which Vukovich was assigned to the transportation, housing, respect, social inclusion, community support, and health services. Additionally, she helped prepare and write the new Age Friendly D.C. Strategic Plan for 2018-23, and to aid in doing so, met with various constituents, including government agencies and community organizations. Vukovich's internship also entailed assisting with a business initiative that aimed to highlight businesses within the district which engage in age-friendly best practices including Verizon and Pepco. These opportunities provided Vukovich plenty of networking opportunities with business improvement district executives and area businesses.

Vukovich summarized the data from the meetings into a master workbook, and composed a debriefing document on the business initiative and a strategic analysis. Finally, the senior-to-be provided information and answered questions at many mayoral events and churches throughout the area.

"I had a memorable and enjoyable summer in D.C., and am hoping to come back after I graduate," wrapped up Vukovich.