Senior Salute: Michael Thomas

Michael Thomas Q&A Throughout the spring semester, we are honoring our senior student-athletes with a "Senior Salute" series. Today's featured senior is Michael Thomas, an economics major from Minneapolis, Minnesota. Thomas is a member of the baseball team. 

Q: Why did you choose to attend The College of Wooster?
A: I chose Wooster because of the opportunity to play for a strong college baseball program while earning my degree from a premier college. Wooster offered me the chance to play in college at a school with high academic standards and a financial aid package that made it possible.

Q: What does it mean to you to be a Fighting Scot student-athlete?
A: It means being able to play the sport I love with some of my closest friends. These are people I've grown with, and being able to compete with them is amazing.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: I.S. Monday creates some of my favorite memories. I think it is amazing Wooster has a day where it celebrates a year of hard work for its seniors that is also inclusive of younger students in the celebration. I.S. Monday is usually one of the most vibrant days on campus and is a great thing that is unique about the Wooster experience.

Q: What's the best part about being a student-athlete at The College of Wooster?
A: The development I've been able to have with my teammates through my four years and being able to spend time with them. These are people I care about a lot. The best part of being a student-athlete is growing with them while also working towards a common goal.

Q: What else were you involved with on campus besides your sport?
A: I am part of the Allen Scholars community here on campus. It has been awesome for me to have that group as I have navigated my way around campus as a biracial student. The Allen Scholars community introduced me to people I maybe would not have otherwise connected with who I now consider to be close friends. Meetings where we are able to eat and socialize have formed relationships that have extended beyond our scheduled time together. The Allen Scholars community is special to me, and I think it is only right that I give them a shoutout.

Q: Which College of Wooster faculty or staff member has made the greatest impact on you and why?
A: Coach Matthew Johnson is someone who has helped me a ton as a player, and it has been a privilege to develop my relationship with him. I think he is a great coach on the field, and it is also clear he cares about his players and their lives off the field too. I have always admired him for his ability to command respect as opposed to demanding it. He has had the greatest impact on me because he has directly taught me a lot about the game. I have also been able to indirectly observe his character as a person in hopes of reflecting those characteristics myself.

Q: Which other people or resources impacted your Wooster experience in a positive way and how did these people/resources set you up to be successful at Wooster?
A: I was introduced to men's soccer coach Andy Zidron when we were on a group Zoom call together during the summer of 2020. He lights up the room with his excitement. He is always excited to see me and eager to hear how things are going, even though our connection is through something as small as a Zoom call. I want to show him some love because it has been great to build a relationship with him. He is a remarkable person and I love seeing him around the Scot Center and having his support as someone from outside the baseball program.  

Q: Tell us a bit about your Independent Study project?
A: I am examining the relationship between firms that engage in corporate social responsibility by implementing environmental, social, and governance scores and their corporate emissions. The motivation of my study is to explore a private policy approach to mitigating the effects of climate change.

Q: Tell us a bit about something cool you did as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: I was awarded an APEX Fellowship in the summer of 2021 as an intern with the Seattle CityClub. The CityClub is a nonpartisan civics nonprofit based in Seattle, Washington. I mostly did data research, both internally for their programming and externally in preparation for the 2021 Seattle mayoral election. I was a remote intern for them in a full-time role, interning from my home in Minneapolis, Minnesota while getting to play baseball and spend time with family and friends. This was a great experience for me. I encourage other students to apply for an APEX Fellowship since it is an opportunity to get paid for a summer position that would otherwise be unpaid.

Q: Reflecting back on your time at Wooster, what is one piece of advice you would give your first-year (freshman) self?
A: I would tell myself to cherish the time with friends. Now in my last semester, the realization that my time is limited with this core group I have grown so close to is beginning to set in. The memories are valuable. Try to slow down and take things in and be present as opposed to constantly looking towards the future. Lastly, I would say remember to take some time for yourself.

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