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Senior Salute: Shane Epstein-Petrullo

Shane Epstein-Petrullo Q&A Throughout the spring semester, we are honoring our senior student-athletes with a "Senior Salute" series. Today's featured senior is Shane Epstein-Petrullo, a statistical and data sciences major from Weehawken, New Jersey. Epstein-Petrullo is a member of the men's lacrosse team.

Q: Why did you choose to attend The College of Wooster?
A: I grew up in a very urban setting being from the tri-state area, so I wanted a change of scenery. I also wanted to play lacrosse at a high level since I picked up the sport late as a junior in high school. Above all else, I wanted to take on challenging academics and rigorous coursework while having the opportunity to foster meaningful relationships with professors.

Q: What does being a Fighting Scot student-athlete mean to you?
A: Being a Fighting Scot student-athlete means dedication, sacrifice, hard work, and unwavering commitment to your team.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: The men's lacrosse team has a turkey bowl each year. We have a draft each year about two weeks before the bowl and everyone on the team dresses up in suits and dress shoes. This year we even made a mock draft with pro-player comparisons.

Q: What is the best part about being a student-athlete at The College of Wooster?
A: I get to play the sport I love with my best friends in the world, and I am able to capitalize on the ample academic opportunities and resources that stem from a small class sizes.

Q: What else were you involved with on campus besides your sport?
A: I am president of the data club as well as a Student-Athlete Advisory Committee representative. I am also a zone intern for the STEM Success Initiative.

Q: Which College of Wooster faculty or staff member has made the greatest impact on you and why?
A: This is a really hard question. Dr. Jillian Morrison changed the course of my college experience and career with the first sentence she said to our DATA 106 class during my first year. She said, "Garbage in equals garbage out." This sentence stuck with me as I learned that what you put into the Wooster experience is what you will get out. Dr. Drew Pasteur has helped me in so many ways from a career, student, and personal standpoint. Dr. Pam Pierce is always there with a smile on her face and her door open whenever students need help. These three professors have inspired me greatly, and I am very thankful for my relationships with them.

Q: What other people or resources impacted your Wooster experience in a positive way and how did these people and resources set you up to be successful at Wooster?
A: Coach Eric Seideman and Coach Joseph Pille were monumental in changing the culture of our team. They have really fostered a family atmosphere within the team, and they help all of us with anything and everything whether it be working on shooting or getting summer internships.

Q: Tell us a bit about your Independent Study project?
A: I am using neural networks and regression models to make predictions on success of rookie running backs in the NFL. These predictions are based on college statistics, mock draft rankings, draft order, and personal and demographic information. I am evaluating the performance value versus the actual contract value of these players.

Q: Tell us a bit about something cool you did as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: The spring break trip last year to Colorado was incredible. I had never been out west before, and seeing and competing in the Rockies with my teammates was something I will never forget. We played some signature Wooster lacrosse out there.

Q: Reflecting back on your time at Wooster, what advice would you give your first-year self?
A: I would probably tell myself to worry less and enjoy each moment more. I probably would want to take some economics classes, but really, I have no regrets.

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