Scots Drop Extremely Close Match With OWU 5-4

Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas

The College of Wooster and Ohio Wesleyan University engaged in an extremely closely-contested men's tennis match-up Wednesday, but ultimately, the Battling Bishops spoiled the Fighting Scots' North Coast Athletic Conference East Division opener 5-4 at the Gordon Field House in Delaware, Ohio.

The Scots' (5-8, 0-1 NCAC East) winners in singles action were Paul Thomas (6-0, 6-1), Harrison Suttle (6-3, 6-4), and Zack Rotter (6-4, 6-2), who handled their opponents rather comfortably at the fourth, fifth, and sixth spots in the lineup, respectively.

The Bishops (5-9, 1-1 NCAC East) took singles matches one, two, and three, but not without push back from the Scots. Willy Nelson was narrowly edged out at No. 1 singles (6-4, 3-6, 6-3), as was Jacob Pine at No. 3 (7-5, 2-6, 6-4), while No. 2 Milo Saurman played well in the second set of his 6-0, 7-5 setback.

In doubles, Wooster picked up a victory at the third spot, as Rotter and Thomas were double winners on the day (8-6), while the parings of Nelson/Saurman and David Greetham/John Schulz were each on the wrong side of 8-5 decisions.

Next up, Wooster visits Oberlin College (6-3) on Tuesday at 4:30 p.m.