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Senior Salute: Eli Lohrey

Eli Lohrey sidebar q&A

Throughout the spring and summer, we'll be honoring our senior student-athletes with a "Senior Salute" series. Today's featured senior is Eli Lohrey, an education and history major from Hamilton, Ohio. Lohrey is a member of the football team.

Q: Why did you choose to attend The College of Wooster?
A: The academics and the opportunity to play football at the next level.

Q: What does it mean to you to be a Fighting Scot student-athlete?
A: It means the world. Being a part of a program with so much history and so many traditions is really special.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: Beating Wabash College at home my junior year was an awesome experience. Playing in games on Black and Gold Weekend are always really cool too.

Q: What's the best part about being a student-athlete at The College of Wooster?
A: The relationships I have formed with my teammates and coaches.

Q: What else were you involved with on campus besides your sport?
A: I'm a member of Men Working for Change and work in the Service Center

Q: Which College of Wooster faculty or staff member has made the greatest impact on you and why?
A: Dr. Ryan Ozar has always been there for me whenever I have needed help for anything. Susan Brown in the Service Center has also always been there to give me advice and help me with anything.

Q: What other people or resources impacted your Wooster experience in a positive way and how did these people/resources set you up to be successful at Wooster?
A: My coaches helped me a lot as a first-year when I was dealing with some issues at home. Their support meant everything, and I'm not sure where I would be without them!

Q: Tell us a bit about your Independent Study project?
A: I am looking at professional baseball from 1880-1930 and the sport's relationship with Evangelical Christian churches. Specifically, I'm looking at how both sides handled the issue of Sunday baseball games.

Q: Tell us a bit about something cool you did as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: Being in the education department, I have had a lot of opportunities to work in the Wooster City School District and have built a lot of relationships in the Wooster community.

Q: Reflecting back on your time at Wooster, what is one piece of advice you would give your first-year (freshman) self?
A: I would definitely tell myself to create better study habits!

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