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Senior Salute - Charlie Henegar

Charlie Henegar Q&A Throughout the spring semester, we are honoring our senior student-athletes with a "Senior Salute" series. Today's featured senior is Charlie Henegar, an education and history major from Doylestown, Ohio. Henegar is a member of the football team. 

Q: Why did you choose to attend The College of Wooster? 
A: I was recruited by Coach (Frank) Colaprete. He is one of the best coaches and people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I was also attracted to the academics and the Independent Study opportunity that the College offers. 

Q: What does being a Fighting Scot student-athlete mean to you? 
A: The sense of family that is involved within the campus community is unmatched. Everyone is working towards the same goal, from Nate Hustonand the athletic trainers, to the assistant coaches of the football team. 

Q: What are some of your favorite memories as a student at The College of Wooster? 
A: Spring ball in 2021. There was a two-inch sheet of ice on the field and it was freezing throughout the entirety of spring ball that year. I remember enjoying just being out there with the team. One of my favorite academic memories is when I presented my Junior Independent Study.   

Q: What is the best part about being a student-athlete at The College of Wooster? 
A: The challenge that comes with being a student athlete. I love being able to grind all day in school, then at 4 p.m., I can forget about everything and play the sport I love for a few hours.  

Q: What else were you involved with on campus besides your sport? 
A: I am part of Men Working for Change. We advocate against domestic abuse and violence.  

Q: Which College of Wooster faculty or staff member has made the greatest impact on you and why? 
A: The whole football coaching staff has been there from day one. They have helped me tremendously on and off the field. I feel like I can go to them for anything, and they will invite me in with open arms. Dr. J(ordan Walters), my Independent Study advisor, has been a huge help to me. My Junior and Senior I.S. projects would not be what they are without her continued help and expertise.  

Q: What other people or resources impacted your Wooster experience in a positive way and how did these people and resources set you up to be successful at Wooster? 
A: Nate Huston and The College of Wooster sports medicine staff. I had a multitude of injuries throughout my football career and having Nate as my athletic trainer has truly been a blessing. I can't express how grateful I am for the hard work and care that they have shown to my teammates and I during and after the seasons.  

Q: Tell us a bit about something cool you did as a student at The College of Wooster? 
A: Traveling with the football team to away games and staying in the hotels was always a good time. Having this group of friends has made my time at The College of Wooster that much better.  

Q: Reflecting back on your time at Wooster, what advice would you give your first-year (freshman) self?  
A: Live in the moment because college goes fast.   

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