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Senior Salute: Matt Klonowski

Matt Klonowski sidebar Q&A

Throughout the spring and summer, we'll be honoring our senior student-athletes with a "Senior Salute" series. Today's featured senior is Matt Klonowski, a chemistry and physics major from Lincolnshire, Illinois. Klonowski is a member of the cross country and track & field teams.

Q: Why did you choose to attend The College of Wooster?
A: The research and running opportunities.

Q: What does it mean to you to be a Fighting Scot student-athlete?
A: "Every day is a great day to run." It's a quote Coach (Dennis) Rice often says before we go out on a run.

Q: What are some of your favorite memories as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: Going to cross country regionals as a first-year and summer research at Wooster between my first-year and sophomore year.

Q: What's the best part about being a student-athlete at The College of Wooster?
A: Coach Rice and Coach Ju(lius Higginbotham).

Q: What else were you involved with on campus besides your sport?
A: I'm the vice president of the Physics Club, involved with running and physics outreach activities, and IM soccer.

Q: Which College of Wooster faculty or staff member has made the greatest impact on you and why?
A: Dr. (Paul) Edmiston was an excellent first-year professor and mentor. He set me up for future research opportunities, which I greatly enjoyed.

Q: What other people or resources impacted your Wooster experience in a positive way and how did these people/resources set you up to be successful at Wooster?
A: Working with Coach Rice reinforced my passion for and commitment to running, (and instilled) values I know will be essential in life beyond Wooster. Also, my first-year seminar course - Patterns in Nature - was a class I greatly enjoyed, along with Dr. (Niklas) Manz's teaching style.

Q: Tell us a bit about your Independent Study project?
A: My Independent Study is aimed at understanding how Osorb works. It's a material capable of absorbing carcinogenic contaminants out of drinking water.

Q: Tell us a bit about something cool you did as a student at The College of Wooster?
A: We placed third at the NCAC Indoor Track & Field Championships hosted at Wooster in 2019 and Coach Rice was voted Coach of the Year as well.

Q: Reflecting back on your time at Wooster, what advice you would give your first-year (freshman) self?
A: Trust yourself and follow your instincts.

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